Saturday, October 9, 2010

Taj Mahal - Online Interview - Bio Questions & Answers

Life story (from when you were young, journey to where you are now) -
be very detailed
- Was born n raised in Tacoma,Wa - Grew up in a broken home - Mom was the driving force for me to be a good person and to do something with my life.
Dad was in and out of my life, Mostly out. The one thing my father did do for me was name me after The Legendary Blues Singer Taj Mahal. Other than that the Gang life and Streets was my father and they showed me what life was really about. Money & Love for something other than yourself.
That lifestyle soon landed me in a whole lot of trouble. Aside from my friends dying and going to prison, I didnt realize my errors until i landed myself in prison for a ten year bid. I Got out in 2008 and have been Hustling and going hard for my music career ever since. Although i started out with the Rap/Given name Taj Mahal and self given moniker Young Fame, I Am Changing my name around to better suit my career and where i wanna go with it. So from Taj Mahal aka Young Fame To Young fame aka Taj Mahal. In addition to dropping the Fat of the Land album with Duna on ThizzNw, Am Working on the The New "Young Fame" - Ima Star Ep to my follow up project,Young Fame - The "Genuine Article" which is Technically my first solo album. Also Me & The Co-Owner of R.B.B. ENT are opening up a Clothing Boutique/Music Studio in Parkland,Wa. The Boutique will mostly be catering clothing geared towards the local College University PLU Community and the Students that go there, We will also have a lil something for everybody tho. R.B.B. Boutique is Located @ 415 Garlield St S in Parkland,Wa 98444.

Particular memories/experiences that contibuted to who you are -
Music has always been a biggest influence,My Memories of my Mother and Stepfather always playing music in the House. My Biggest Experiance was Being locked up for 10 years of my adult life. That was a Big Experiance for me.
It contributed to the motivation for me to get out and do something with my life.

Most difficult obstacle in life as well as music -
That would be everyday challenges - Life, Family, Career, Being a single dad and trying not to get sucked back into the Gangsta/Street life that raised me.

Expand on family life - Am a Family man with kids and a mother who i love dearly. My family are very supportive & proud of me doing something positive with my life.
When i am not doing this music and being Taj Mahal the Rappper, I am dad first and my son is the light of my life and he keeps me focused on whats important,and thats him.

Expand on social life - Work hard and Play hard - My work ethic is the energy behind my social life.
I work really hard towards my goals and career so i play really hard when i feel like releasing that stress and tention from doing so many things and so much hard work.
I grew up in tacoma and have lived here most my life, Tacoma is small and everybody seems to know everybody on some small world type stuff.
I have a few good friends i consider Brothers and they are all on My Record Label R.B.B. ENT which stands for Reign By Blood, And for the most part they are my family outside my Home Life.
I keep my good friends close and we have a tight circle that is more than friendship its a bond between brothers.
Most of my real friends were in the pen with me and we developed our kinship in there, and it has remained since we have been out.
a few are still locked down but we are working hard to be successful so when they get out we got everything they need to be successful too.
When i was locked up and even before, these were the only people to believe in me so i am returning the favor with love and a position in my record label, cause they are my family and R.B.B. ENT is a family owned business.

Age - 28 years and still going strong.

People in your life with strongest influences - First and foremost The Lord Almighty God. My Beautiful and talented Mother. My Mini Me Young Taj Mahal.

Expand on upcoming album (focus, concept, message, goal) This next project is my Ep which is focused on seperating Taj Mahal from thizz and bringing Young Fame aka Taj Mahal to the mainstrean public.
The Concept is The Hit Single Young Fame "Ima Star" and the rest of the songs speak about my struggles and sacrifice towards being successful. But With prodution and energy that everyone will love.
The Message is that Young Fame aka Taj Mahal is a star destined to shine bright and for people to see that there is real niggas who do real music up here in the Northwest, But more than that it's My Life Story and i hope the people feel a connection to what i have been threw, or at least enjoy the music.
The Goal is to show the world That Taj Mahal is Young Fame and Young Fame is here to Conquer the Rap Game and become a successful Rap Artist/Business Man.

Most inspiring person in your life - That would be my son. Young Taj Mahal,Who I named after me. He has tought me the value of life is threw our Children and they are truly our future.

What have you had to sacrifice for your music career? A lot of rappers from the Northwest think they are Rap Artists because they can rap and record a song and put it on Myspace, As we know that is not always the case.
A successful artists knows that this is a business and it takes a Strong Will,Talent and a Business minded work ethic to become successful just to start.
I have Sacrificed a lot of Money,Time and Personal Investment in this music and it's just the beginning.

Describe your style. Real,Fresh and New with a bit of Classic old School,Diverse,Am Always looking for new ways and Productions "Beats" and Faetures to improve my music and the sound i create. Am influenced by Real people who do Real music. My Style is me and what i think the northwest should sound like. Good quality music for the fans to be proud of.

How do other people view you? A Lot of my Friends and Family look up to me, Am a Inspiration to a lot of Different people. Ladies seem to love me and i love them back. People are naturally drawn to me and Immediately and say they see a Star Quality about me. Hence "Ima Star".

How do other people perceive your music? Hopefully They see it for what it is, Good music with a Good sound and Great quality all around. The sound,The beats,The look, My style and work ethic help them notice a unnamed artist is trying to make a name for himslef. From the good help of a good marketing team "Sky Movement and My Online Promoter/Right hand Man MikeMedia who handles alot of my go to stuff as well as promotions and My R.B.B ENT Family/Staff Who Help with every aspect of my Career and Business. So the buzz has been great even tho i am not that known yet., I think most people just dont know me yet, But they will very soon, cause we are coming like a Old Freight Train we are moving full steam ahead.

Biggest accomplishment? - Being a Selfmade Rapper/Business Man. Being a father, A real father - I have my son full time and he is the biggest accomplishment i could have achieved, But the role of Daddy and raising him the right way is still a everyday struggle that i Tackle like a Quarterback. So I am still Accoplishing this by being the best father i could be, Like the one i never had.

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